Working on new product development or Go to market Strategy?

Our customer centric feedback survey can help you achieve just what you are looking for in your customers and products.

Retail Survey

Our retail and manufacturing surveys can benefit you in ways such as:

Manufacturing Survey


Rather than building a product or service and then finding customers, it is wise to conduct a survey and substantiate the demand and profitability of your product before investing time and money. Listen to the wants and needs of your customers and give them exactly what they want.


Product awareness is often the first step in driving marketing goals, it helps your clients understand and become comfortable with your product. Understand your target audience for a better and smooth transition of product knowledge.


Understanding customers' buying patterns is the key to reach and engage your clients and make them purchase your product. You can capitalize on consumer’s personal experiences based on the data collected with these market surveys.


If you develop a relationship with your client, they tend to be loyal towards your product and also act as promoters for your brand. Whenever you listen to your customer, you tend to bring out new opportunities and scope of improvement from them that can be useful in the future. Make them understand that they have your ears always.

retail customer survey
survey retail


By conducting this survey you can get an insight about your competitor and their strategy, this helps you to screen their plan. It helps you identify your ground of improvement and act better than your competitor.

CViewSurvey provides you unlimited templates and customized surveys; we assure you the best outcome through real-time data collection and robust analytics.